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Sunday, November 14, 2010

RE: Mark Cuban on Attack of the Show

Re: Marketing in the Current Internet Market
*The Good:
Cuban’s states that people over 30 are not that important to media trends as younger undefined media users because the older the user the less time they have to learn new applications and devices. The good news related to education project I want to launch is that most users are kids or teens which is well below Cuban’s given age range.

*The Bad:
Web-based internet camping in regards to Cuban’s interview means that the major corporations have kept their competitive edge over small start-up content creators because of their media budgets. For example, there are too many independent musicians trying to get new consumers’ attentions and fail often because consumers have no real way to find one practical new musician from the millions of other new musicians. Cuban explains that today, YouTube is harder to really draw a content fan base because there are just too many content producers.

Considering Cuban’s comments, presenting any new content runs into the problem of how does my content gain a consumer’s attention. Of course, this has been a classic marketing 101 problem. However, what is interesting though, is that large companies still have huge advantages in attracting new consumers. Meaning, both the fear of corporate stakeholders and the dream of small independent producers, seems not to exist.

*Question to Consider
In considering how to market my education project using the Internet, the new concern is how to be effective given the control the major media companies have on the Internet.

Re: Execution in the Current Internet Market

Two things to consider from Cubans remarks; the Internet is not the future of media and new media technologies. The Internet has become established as a daily device like TV. In other words, new programs and devices may emerge, but something like the next social network is irrelevant. Also, older media models such as TV and Movies, we’ll probably be around for a very long time because they are part of the culture.

*The Good_
A web comic and animated series considering Cuban’s remarks means that the project I’m pursing will still be commercially viable in years to come.

*The Bad_
Major corporations may establish strong media footholds that prevent the successful marketing of the project or force a buy out in order to grant successful media distribution of my project to consumers.

*Question to Consider

Does an education project have certain protections from large imposing corporate forces on the Internet?

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