Custom Search

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Net Marketing and Objective Setting

This week I had to take a break from SEO for my assignment. Something I noticed in webcomics and other related sites is a lack of goal setting. Of course the common goal is often more readership or in my case just finishing my first 60 in color, but once I get web comic up, finding someone to read it is the most important.

However, how do you measure success when you plan your web marketing campaign? Wither readership (i.e. brand awareness) or monetary reward (i.e. selling stuff) is creators goal, Key Performance Indicators can help access, change, and plan great marketing campaigns.

The idea being if a creator is going to go out and post more on forums for example, how can they measure the total amount of their posts to the number of hits on their sites.

Another example is an email campaign where you can attribute the amount of emails opened to new views on the site or sales.

So when we consider objective setting we have to set measures to figure out success or fail. These measures are referred to KPIs (Key Performance Indicator)s. This is away figure out by conversations.

For example “[TIME] Outcome(s)/ Unique Visitors” is a conversation rate that can measure what happens in relation to the amount of visits. In plug in some values such as “{1 Month}1 Downloaded book/ 100 Visitors” . In this conversation we realize that in average every 100 visits I will sell one digital book. Thus, know I can assume that if I get 1,000 visitors I will sell 10 books, and so forth.

This helps create goals for short or long term internet marketing campaigns. Moreover, a person can access the success of what tools they are using on the Internet; which ones are working and which ones are not. For example, an email campaign may not be generating the amount of visitors you want; for example, [(2 months) 1000 emails/ 2 visitors] .

A reassessment then happens: Graphics, Message and so forth are looked at. It is then decided a newsletter that is emailed every month offering teaser articles and better graphics may help get more visits to the site. In the newsletter, there are backlinks to the website with full articles and better graphics. Now the conversation looks like [(2 Months) 1000 emails/ 700 visitors] and looks to be a success.

Considerinh analytics in part in loyal uniques and new uniques . If there are more loyal uniques tan new uniques for long periods of time, then a creaot has a good fan base, but is not growing. This where a internet marketing campiegn with KPIs and new targets may help if the creator has not reached their entire niche audience.

If there are more new uniques than loyal, than the content fails to hold readers and the entire site's content should be looked over.

Surveys like the one I had to create, can also help get a feel for how people view a site or campaign. In the prior example, people could have filled out a survey that made the creator realized a newsletter makes more sense than just an email campaign.

In any case, before you try a campaign understand your niche, this last thing you would want to be considers is a spammer or a fake. If you plan to use KPI for your objectives research how to use conversations to make realistic goals and targets.

Happy Father’s day_ Zon

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